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Acrediting Drama


LAMDA Examinations

  • improves the standard of communication through the spoken word

  • fosters an an appreciation of dramatic style, technique and audience relationship.

  • Engenders, imagination, creativity,intellectual and social development.

Fees: 6O Euros per month + Exam fee

GCSE Requirements (2 yrs)

  • Create and develop a devised piece of drama from a stimulus.

  • Perform devised piece or design realization.

  • Write a portfolio of 2000 words or record your  analysis and evaluation based on the devised process.

  • View, analyse and evaluate live theatre and write 1000 words response.

  • Students perform two key extracts from a performance text. Text must contrast in styles.

  • Practical exploration and study of one complete performance text.

  • Practical exploration of one complete play text.

  • Preparation for written examination.

IFees: 180 per month

AS Level Drama requirements (1 YR):

  • create a group performance of one key extract from a performance text informed by the methodology of one influence practitioner.

  • write a portfolio of 2500 words based on analysis and evaluation of the process.

  • enact monologues and duologues of a key extract from a different performance text.

  • view, analyse and evaluate live theatre and write 1000 words response.

  • practically explore of one complete play text.

  • preparation for written examination.



Fees: 180 Euros per month

A'Level Drama requirements. (2YRS)

  • complete AS syllabus in year 1

  • create and develop a devised piece of drama from a performance text and a theatre practitioner as a stimulus.

  • write a portfolio of 2500 words based on analysis and evaluation of the process.

  • View, analyse and evaluate live theatre and write 1000 words response.

  • Practical exploration of one complete play text.

  • Preparation for written examination.

Fees: 180 Euros per month


Aristoteli Kyriakou, 51. Thea Gardens. The Basement Studio. Anarvagos, 8025, Paphos, Cyprus.



Number: (+357) 99878521



Monday : 2:45pm - 3.45pm (Juniors)

Monday : 3:45pm - 4.45pm (Seniors)

Saturday: 10:00am - 11.00am (Juniors)

Saturday: 11:00am - 12.00am (Seniors)
Sunday: 9:00am - 2:30pm (Only during show)

  • Paphos Youth Theatre Instagram
  • Paphos Youth Theatre Facebook
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