Acrediting Drama
LAMDA Examinations
improves the standard of communication through the spoken word
fosters an an appreciation of dramatic style, technique and audience relationship.
Engenders, imagination, creativity,intellectual and social development.
Fees: 6O Euros per month + Exam fee
GCSE Requirements (2 yrs)
Create and develop a devised piece of drama from a stimulus.
Perform devised piece or design realization.
Write a portfolio of 2000 words or record your analysis and evaluation based on the devised process.
View, analyse and evaluate live theatre and write 1000 words response.
Students perform two key extracts from a performance text. Text must contrast in styles.
Practical exploration and study of one complete performance text.
Practical exploration of one complete play text.
Preparation for written examination.

IFees: 180 per month
AS Level Drama requirements (1 YR):
create a group performance of one key extract from a performance text informed by the methodology of one influence practitioner.
write a portfolio of 2500 words based on analysis and evaluation of the process.
enact monologues and duologues of a key extract from a different performance text.
view, analyse and evaluate live theatre and write 1000 words response.
practically explore of one complete play text.
preparation for written examination.
Fees: 180 Euros per month
A'Level Drama requirements. (2YRS)
complete AS syllabus in year 1
create and develop a devised piece of drama from a performance text and a theatre practitioner as a stimulus.
write a portfolio of 2500 words based on analysis and evaluation of the process.
View, analyse and evaluate live theatre and write 1000 words response.
Practical exploration of one complete play text.
Preparation for written examination.
Fees: 180 Euros per month